showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Jungle River Cruise  Atari1982[[i]Likely[/i]]No catalog number assigned. North American NTSC. 1 player only.[/[i]Likely[/i]] No prototype yet found but at least one was created.
While Tumbleweeds provided an activity to go along with exercise, Jungle River Cruise was designed to be a game unto itself. The Player pedals a paddleboat down a river and tries to rescue stranded explorers. Alligators, piranhas, rocks, shallow water, snakes, spear throwing natives, and water spitting elephants attempt to harm you and the explorers. Surprisingly complex, players need to keep track of how low in the water their boat is riding and the depth of different parts of the river. Try not to hit the explorers, pedal up to them slowly and maneuver precisely.

It should be noted that Elephants are an African or Asian animal but piranhas are South American. However, either species could survive well if introduced to the other's environment. Africa has crocodiles but not alligators. South America has crocodiles and caiman. Caiman are often called alligators but they are not.